Board election – nominations open

We are pleased to confirm that the nomination period for the 2023 Fulham Supporters’ Trust Board Election is open from today, Wednesday 1 November, until Wednesday 15 November.
Please see below for a reminder of the process and how to submit nominations.
The election will be held in accordance with the election rules and the process will be overseen by an Independent Scrutineer, Marisa Cardoni, who is a Trust member but is neither a candidate nor nominating or seconding a candidate.
To be eligible to stand for election, the only requirements are that
- you are a paid-up Trust member as at 1 October 2023
- you remain a Trust member throughout the process
- you are nominated and seconded by paid-up Trust members as at 1 October 2023.
Information required
You will need to supply contact information for yourself and those nominating and seconding you and a 200 word election statement that will be sent out with the electronic voting forms if there are more nominations than places available for election. The election statements of all successful candidates will be made available at the conclusion of the process.
Please supply the following information by email to the Independent Scrutineer by Wednesday 15 November 2023 using the following email address
- Name
- email address
- Telephone
- Social media
Proposed by
- Member name
- email address
- Telephone
Seconded by
- Member name
- email address
- Telephone
- A maximum of 200 words to support your candidacy. Any additional words will be truncated.
Election timetable
- Wednesday 1 November 2023 – Nominations open
- Wednesday 15 November 2023 – Nominations close
If no ballot required (five or fewer candidates)
- Thursday 16 November 2023 – Announcement of new board at AGM
If ballot required (more than five candidates)
- Thursday 16 November 2023 – Announcement of ballot at AGM
- Saturday 18 November 2023 – Electronic ballot and candidate statements circulated to Trust members
- Saturday 2 December 2023 – Close of voting
- Monday 4 December 2023 – Announcement of election results
- w/c 4 December 2023 – December board meeting (subject to Nottingham Forest game)