Playoff Final Ticket News Update

-Tickets will be sold in a staged release of Blocks with 10K in the first batch and then more released as it progresses along.
-You will be able to buy by block and pick seat and row within it.
-First set of lower tier tickets on sale will be to about block 115
-First set of Middle tier tickets on sale will be to about Block 215
-Upper tier will go on sale after the two other tiers have sold out.
-Maximum transaction is 10 per purchase. If you wish to purchase more it may be better to do it on the phone and tell the TM agent that you want to buy 10 and then say another 5 for example but sit all together. They can put through the first transaction and then continue with the second part.
-There is no official singing area, but the Trust would recommend blocks 110-113 as the area to look at booking and as such may be unsuitable for young children or elderly fans.
-The family area is 105-108 and is on a first come first served basis.
-With Family and Friends you must make sure you have it set that you can manage the persons tickets if buying on their behalf.
With over 38K tickets available there should be enough to go around and we will try to give updates on the numbers sold as often as we receive the information.