Trust statement on Fulham FC takeover

The Fulham Supporters’ Trust would like to take the opportunity to welcome Mr Shahid Khan as the new owner of Fulham Football Club. The Trust would also like to extend the heartfeltthanks of all Fulham fans around the world to Mr Mohamed Al-Fayed for 16 wonderful years of progression under his stewardship.
The change of ownership presents an exciting, if uncertain time, for Fulham fans, but The Trust feels it is important to recognise the immeasurable contribution our outgoing Chairman has made to the history of our great club. For this, we would like to wish Mohamed Al-Fayed well in retirement and once again thank him for the journey that Fulham have taken over the last 16 years.
The Fulham Supporters’ Trust welcomes the opportunity to continue its prosperous working relationship with Fulham Football Club under Mr Khan’s leadership and eagerly look forward to the beginning of this next chapter in our club’s history.