Trust to host FSF Southern Division meeting

As a long-standing affiliate of the Football Supporters’ Federation, we’re pleased to be able to host the first meeting of its Southern Division for the 2010/11 season. This will take place at ‘The Dukes Head’ public house, 8 Lower Richmond Road, Putney, London, SW15 1JN, on Sunday 12th. September, 2010. The meeting will start at 12.00 and should finish circa 17.00.
In addition to the round up from club delegates and the regularly amusing summary of, often idiosyncratic and sometimes criminal, happenings from the lower reaches of the football pyramid, topics for discussion at the meeting will include:
- The new 25 player Premier League squads – what will be their effect on the game?
- Fans’ Parliament 2010 – how was it for you and what changes, if any, would you like made for Fans’ Parliament 2011?
- The World Cup – where do England go from here? The legacy for South Africa – has the World Cup changed anything?
- Format of future Southern Division meetings – have your say on the set up of your local FSF Division.